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GxP is a set of regulations and quality guidelines created to ensure that research and projects are conducted safely and that the end product is safe to use.

Compliance with GxP regulations is essential for anyone working in the pharmaceutical, medical device or life science industries. Companies must comply with all GxP regulations in order to conduct clinical trials safely and ensure the end product is safe to use, so it’s important to ensure your training is up to date in each of these areas.

GxP stands for Good *insert activity* Practice. The “x” will change depending on the sector or activity.

This GxP course package includes access to all Good Practice courses:

  • Good Clinical Practice (E6 R2)
  • Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP)
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
  • Good Documentation Practice (GDocP)


Group Courses

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When the course module opens in a new window, ensure all ticks down the sidebar of the page appear blue like the image below before closing the window.

The course won't progress to the next module unless all ticks are blue.